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Creating a Better New Client Experience

My wife, Jen, and I recently went shopping for a new car for her. We spent a drizzly evening after work hopping around car dealerships looking for her new ride. At each of the dealers, we pulled up and walked around briefly to look at the cars in the lot, then walked into the showroom. At one particular dealership, we walked around the showroom for about five minutes without even an acknowledgement we were there. I finally approached three employees who had been talking to each other the whole time and had shown no interest that we were there. When I asked if someone could help us, one of the employees jumped up, apologized, and said he would find a sales rep to help. After about five more minutes, he returned to say that he couldn’t find an available sales rep but offered to help us until then. Jen was looking for a particular model, which he looked up in the computer. They didn’t have that model, but he suggested we go down the road to their sister dealership, as they might have something in stock.

Overall, this doesn’t sound like a horrible experience. No one acknowledged that we were there, but the employee was very nice and went out of his way to help us once I asked. He recommended an alternative solution once he realized they couldn’t help us. But it was by no means a good first impression, and it was one that lingered with us even as we went to their other location.

How is your new client experience? If it is like most of the staffing industry, it is underwhelming at best. For most new staffing clients, the sales-to-service handoff goes something like this: ...

...continue reading this article in Staffing Success magazine published by the American Staffing Association.  I'm a contributor to the Recruiting Today series.


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