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10 Low (or No) Cost Steps to Own Your Market

own_your_marketEver notice how there are always one or two people (or companies) in a market that are synonymous with their industry? Like the auto dealer that is a not-so-minor celebrity in your city, or the HR consultant that everyone thinks of first when they have a need, or the professional speaker that seems to be the keynote at every Rotary, chamber, and industry meeting you attend.

These people "own their market", and while the car dealer probably reached this level through extensive (and expensive) TV and radio advertising, the other two examples most likely achieved their level of exposure through other less costly, but no less effective means.

Owning your market means that you have positioned yourself as THE expert in your field, and that provides a wide range of benefits. It means you get consistent referral business, clients actually feel privileged to work with you, and you don't experience the pricing pressure that others in your industry do. Sound too good to be true? Well its not, but it does require a true commitment, hard work, and patience. It doesn't happen overnight, and the rewards are so gradual that its easy to give up. But for those who persist, its well worth it.

Here are 10 low or no cost things you can start doing today to Own Your Market:

1. Become active in your prospect/clients' trade association.
For the staffing industry, that is typically HR. That’s where your prospects and clients are, so you should be too! Volunteer, join a committee, get on the board. The more involved the greater your credibility. Cost: < $150

2. Start a blog.
A great, inexpensive way to build your web presence, create thought leadership material, generate white paper and newsletter content, and build your credibility. Cost: FREE to < $10 a month depending on services.

3. Create a monthly newsletter.
Inexpensive yet effective way to stay in front of your clients and prospects and to build your public image. Cost: < $20 a month

4. Build up your LinkedIn network.
Great way to network with clients and prospects, advertise your blog and build your newsletter database, and to build your credibility through answering questions and taking part in discussions. Cost: FREE

5. Have a professional headshot taken.
Adds a level of credibility most professionals don’t take the time to do. Cost: $75-100

6. Build a local media list.
Position yourself as a resource and subject matter expert. Cost: FREE

7. Write an article.
Send it to the above list. Cost: FREE

8. Read 2 best-selling books in your prospects’/ clients’ profession.
Talk about them on your blog and with your clients/prospects. If you like them, buy extra copies and send to your top clients and prospects. Cost $30-40 (more if you buy copies)

9. Speak at a non-profit.
There are plenty of great organizations helping people find jobs. Lend your expertise while sharpening your speaking skills and growing your reputation. Cost: FREE

10. Get 3 new client testimonials.
Put them on your website, in your marketing material, everywhere. Try a video testimonial for added impact and post it on You Tube. Cost: FREE


Want more in-depth tactics to increase your staffing company's market presence, including:
  • effective networking techniques,
  • managing social media,
  • working with the press,
  • and building your personal brand.

View our online, on-demand training session 'Own Your Market! How to become THE staffing provider of choice'

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