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3 Overlooked Functions using LinkedIn Recruiter

Using LinkedIn Recruiter on a daily basis, I tend to overlook some of the best features of the tool when I get into the grind. Looking at the bigger picture, here are a few of the best functions I’ve had success using:

1. Setting client decision makers as “Hiring Managers”
Working together with clients is one of the key components to driving the success factor through the process of the recruitment cycle. Using the LinkedIn Recruiter feature to set someone as a ‘Hiring Manager’ is an easy and inclusive way to make sure you are keeping your client in the loop on target candidates. While this might seem like just another step to complicate the process, it’s an ideal solution to having your client review candidate profiles before any formal submission process.

Setting a person at your client company as a ‘Hiring Manager’ does not have additional cost to the Recruiter (RPS) license, and should be viewed as a valuable tool to the license holder. With the simple click of ‘Share Profile’ you can ask the Hiring Manager to review a candidate’s profile and provide feedback that will come back to you within the Recruiter tool. This is a great way to get early feedback in the sourcing process, and often uncover additional desired candidate attributes.

2. Finding additional candidates using “Similar Profiles”
Work smarter, not harder. This should go without saying, but recruiting is a job where you can spend countless hours running searches and be overlooking ideal candidates. This holds true especially when working with clients that you may have had success with in the past, and receive additional requisitions from. LinkedIn, even on basic accounts, allows us to find ‘People Similar to . . . ,‘ when looking at an individual profile. Using this feature will assist finding candidates with similar job titles, at similar companies, and can often result in greater success sourcing in less time.

3. Job Slots & Profile Matches
Linkedin continues to be a great source of passive candidates, but it’s always a good idea to keep in mind those candidates who are semi-active to active as well. LinkedIn Jobs have grown in popularity and continue to help with company exposure to those candidates who are seeking new employment. Additionally, posting a Job on LinkedIn and using ‘Profile Matches’ is a good indication if your job description is targeting the right candidates or not, based on the LinkedIn Matching Algorithm’s results.

To get the most bang for your buck out of the Job Slots, there are a few aspects of each posting that are critical: Job Title, Industry, and Function. These 3 components are used when LinkedIn shares jobs to candidates that they might be interested in, therefore maximizing both Industry and Function, and using a Job Title that target candidates would use, are very important.


Want the best sales people at your staffing firm? Learn the 5 things to do before posting for a sales rep in our free quick guide.

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