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Building a People Collection

"I don’t collect things—I collect people." It started as a casual discussion sitting in my in-laws’ kitchen—much like hundreds of others I’ve had with my father-in-law over the years. But then he made the above statement that resonated with me as a recruiting professional, a salesperson, and someone who himself has benefited personally and professionally from building a robust network over the years. He was sharing how he finds the most value from the relationships he’s built over the years, and how that has enriched his life more than material objects. And this informal mantra has become the way that he approaches work and life.

Just like my father-in-law, the most successful recruiters tend to "collect people." Rather than looking at recruiting as short term and transactional, they view every new interaction as an opportunity to build their network. 

...continue reading this article in Staffing Success magazine published by the American Staffing Association. I'm a contributor to the Recruiting Today series.

Are you looking for a way to retain your entry-level recruiting staff? This Career Development Checklist creates a pathway for your entry-level recruiting roles (Intake Specialist, Screener, Staffing/Recruiting Coordinator) to be prepared for the next Recruiter position that opens at your staffing firm.


Keep your team excited about their job by offering continuous learning opportunities!

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